News I Don't Snooze On

I don't often find myself carving out a lot of time to get updated on the news of the world each day. That said, I tend to favor news sources that can offer me a quick snapshot and keep me in the loop without requiring too much of my time for further investigation. My top five news sources, therefore, in no particular order are the CNN mobile app, an Instagram page called shityoushouldcareabout, Apple News, Twitter, and the CNN channel. 

My phone sees no shortage of CNN notifications on a daily basis. The CNN mobile app is one of my favorite news sources; it sends me notifications of breaking news stories and developments in popular news subjects. I like getting these notifications because it gives me a subject line that I can read and decide whether or not the story is something I’m interested in learning more about. The notification may give me one or two lines of information that explain the subject and give a very brief synopsis of the story. If I am interested in looking further into the story, I can go directly from the notification to the news article and read the full story. I like the CNN app because it is very direct in that it uses brief notifications to tell readers the actual story, not as a method to lure the reader to the app. The app doesn't use cliffhangers or curious questioning when reporting, rather they simply get the facts across in as few words as possible, while also offering the reader a chance to dig deeper. CNN mobile app 

Similar to the CNN app, I also like to get my news from Apple News. I never made the conscious decision to use Apple News as a source for information, but because I have an iPhone, it is automatically built into the display of my iPhone. I have grown to really appreciate Apple News because not only does it also provide notifications like CNN does, but because it is built into the display of my iPhone, it makes it very easy to access news stories and even view several at a time. On the home screen of my phone, Apple News gives me top stories from several news sources, such as NBC News and Bleacher Report, and I can see headlines listed, allowing me to view more than one at a time. Another thing I really like about Apple News is that it will suggest news stories for me, and I find that these stories are always stories I am interested to read more into. I would recommend Apple News because it will personalize your newsfeed which may actually keep you more in the loop on things you actually care about. Apple News 

Another one of my top sources is an account I follow on Instagram called shityoushouldcareabout. This is a very liberal media source that posts news stories that are less broadly covered by other news outlets. I like this source because they post stories that may not be brought to my attention otherwise. Another thing I really like about this page is that they also post about popular culture news. They give the spotlight to more trivial, but also very interesting, news stories. This is a less serious news source, and I could argue that its main use should be just as a starting point for obtaining news. Oftentimes, I will see something on this page that will spark an interest that leads to more independent research. I would recommend this page to you all because it is a less serious, more fun way to receive your news. Shityoushouldcarebout 

At any given moment, if I want to know what the biggest story in the news is, I go to Twitter. I like Twitter as an information source because I can simply go to the trending page and get caught up on anything going on in the world at that moment. Twitter also gives me access to other news sources and serves as a shortcut to those news sources. I like Twitter because not only does it give me a list of trending topics, but there is also a tab dedicated solely to news. I love this feature because I can click on one news topic and be directed to links to articles, as well as see tweets about that topic from all kinds of people. Twitter allows people like you and me to commentate on news stories in real-time. I like this because it lets us feel more connected, as well as sometimes provides lots of humor to what may otherwise be just a cold hard news story. It gives us an opportunity to connect over news stories and turns a news platform into a social media platform. Twitter 

I also like watching CNN to get my news. At this point, watching the news on TV is almost as old-fashioned as reading the newspaper, but I like watching the news because sometimes there is no substitution for seeing things unfold in front of our eyes, or hearing personal accounts with our own ears. Most of my news comes from me reading, but when I watch the news, they often include real footage or eyewitness accounts or show clips of a certain event. I think some stories are only complete with some of these elements and the true impact of the story wouldn't be reached otherwise. Another reason I like to watch the news on CNN is that I enjoy watching interviews corresponding with certain events and seeing footage of monumental events. For example, during the Black Lives Matter protests, CNN would show live footage of the protests and incidents that occurred during. CNN


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