Today, television is one of the most common technologies in the US, and for many of us today it's hard to imagine a world where the TV didn't exist. It has changed the way we see our world, quite literally. Every event that is noteworthy is televised. TV gives us access to view everything from Super Bowls, World Cups, World Series, to Presidential debates and inaugurations, live breaking news coverage, and even high profile trial cases. 

The History

The television began changing the world in 1927 when it was first invented and mass-produced by Philo Farnsworth, John Logie Baird, Charles Francis Jenkins, and Kenjiro Takayanagi. It became much more popular after the end of World War II. At the start of their rise, televisions were not nearly as capable as the machines we know today. The picture would be in black and white and the quality of resolution was only 200-400 lines. To compare, TVs today use 8k resolution, meaning the picture is made up of 8,000 pixels on the screen. Color TV was a big growth for the technology. The concept for color television was developed in 1925, however, the idea wasn't bright to live until 1953. Once the technology was available for the TV, color TV programming was still not around, not until 1966. This made owning a television even more popular. Once TV became so popular, it gained the power to change the world. It gave people the chance to witness the most major events of the world unfold in front of their eyes. TV changed the way certain events in our history were able to have an impact on our world. For example, television allowed for the broadcast of the first televised presidential debate. . Which made it possible for the viewers to see the candidates during the debate, raising the importance of a steady and collected appearance. TV also made it possible for Americans to view the moon landing from their homes, which obviously created a much different experience than if they were only able to listen to a broadcast on the radio. In addition to this, the Vietnam War became known as the TV war because it was the first war that the people were able to see broadcasts of. This changed the perception of war in America, as the citizens got to see a more authentic picture of what war really is. TV also gave viewers access to events like sports competitions, the Olympics, and the Super Bowl, for example, as well as giving popularity to specific parts of these events like the Opening Ceremonies and the Super Bowl halftime show.



Unlike many other inventions of the past, the television has managed to never become obsolete. It has improved with time and has become something very different than what it started as, but nonetheless has stuck around for the long haul. In fact, today about 99% of households have at least one television set, with over 66% having at least three. TV has come a long way since the idea was first hatched in the late 20s. Since then, we’ve figured out color tv, HDTV, 3D TV, smart TVs, and more. Television is a way for us to consume stories of every kind from every place, and therefore it will only keep evolving more and more. TV will continue to bring us all the art, news, experiences, and joy that it has been for generations.


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