Antiwar Voices

Today in the United States, heavily antiwar voices are few and far between, at least in the media, that is. Most mainstream media echoes many of the same messages, making it important for consumers to diversify the news media we ingest. These anti-war websites are a great place to start. Upon opening both the ANTIWAR and American Conservative websites, it becomes immediately clear that this is a form of alternative media and you can likely find stories on the website that you wouldn’t see covered by any other news outlet. In fact, the ANTIWAR website has specific sections dedicated to different geographical locations and significant happenings from those places. This is very different from mainstream outlets in our country, which focus only on things that happen within our borders. On the rare occasion that other countries do reach the spotlight of our news media, it could only be because the United States is affected in some way.

If one spends any time wondering why these anti-war voices never scratch the surface of our news, it wouldn't take long to reach the conclusion that the reason is that anti-war voices are not consistent with the message our country wants to portray. When the media is successfully able to portray our military as an important, unwavering part of our countries defense and safety, they send us a message not only that we need to continue supporting them, but also that we are the good guys. The mainstream media neglects to report on things that put the US, or any affiliate, in a bad light. Anti-war voices call out our government for its shortcomings and blatant failures. The mainstream media overshadows any criticisms and seeks to, consciously or subconsciously, get us on America's team. Ironically, many of us would likely be more supportive of the US if criticism were more acceptable and acted on. Anyone who does not actively seek out alternative media will likely not ever come across any, and this is because alternative media is never popularized or even given accreditation most times. This emphasizes, again, the importance of personally crafting our own smorgasbord of news sources so we can be as knowledgeable and well-informed on the events of the world as we can be. 


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